
The terms of use of frequencies in the band 57 - 66 GHz


On this Portal, users of frequencies in the band 57-66 GHz are obliged to register all their fixed outdoor installations of radio stations (MGWS point-to-point, MGWS point-to-multipoint, and Fixed Service links) according to VPR-01/2021.

The terms of use of frequencies in the band 57 - 66 GHz are laid down by the General Authorisation VPR-01/2021.

Registration is free of charge. 


Notifications are sent via this e-mail:


For communication with the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services concerning the registration please use this email address:


The User Guide which summarises the technical description of the Portal and the algorithms used can be downloaded here: Návod na používanie portálu 60 GHz

The template file for bulk import can be downloaded here: hromadny_import.xls


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